Smart Vision

Hanna Yoshimoto ICDSEA Programme Manager

Kindly do not hesitate to enter into collaboration with Smart Vision for similar activities, as UNICEF was very pleased and satisfied by their work

Jeylani Farah Democracy Program Coordinator

We are glad to provide this letter which doubles, as their reference, in support of similar contracts. I can clearly guarantee for this firm, as having, the right manpower and professional ethos

LIEF Doerring Chief of Party/Program Manager

We believe that partnership with Smart Vision will help any development organization working in Somalia to generate quality information that is critical for Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning from work in the country

Trust Makhurane Meal Manager

It is our conviction that the services offered by Smart Vision will go a long way in helping organizations working in Somalia get quality information that will add good value to their programming and advocacy work in the country

Osman Yusuf Protection Coordinator

We found Smart Vision capacity and professionalism in organizing and delivering the said training to a good standard and satisfactory outcome, we convey our highest appreciation and recommendation and welcome their participation in similar future collaborations

Abdi Farah Said Puntland Minister of Education

We found Smart Vision capacity and professionalism in organizing and delivering the said training to a good standard and satisfactory outcome, we convey our highest appreciation and recommendation and welcome their participation in similar future collaborations

Dr Ibrahim Obsiye Elmi UNFPA Garowwe ofiice in charge

We are glad to advise that the contractee conducted the Oraganizational Development Assesement in record time and to the satisfaction of UNFPA and our partners. We therefore congratulate Smart Vision for a job well done. It is without reservation we recommend the firm to all development partners interested in partners in the domain of ODA.

Mohamed Hassa DG, MoEHS

"It is on this account that I highly commend Smart Vision for their brilliant services it has provided Somaliland Ministry of Education"

Abdullahi Iman Assistant Deputy Director

'Smart Vision was assigned to collect data from 60 sample points for the baseline of Somali Girls Education Promotion programme. The firm delivered the assignment on timely basis and as per the requirement. Therefore, CARE is recommending this firm for similar interventions"